Aloe Vera, the skin care hero that’s been used for millennia to soothe, heal and hydrate sun blushed, uncomfortable skin. Mmm. This deeply replenishing plant was famously relied upon by Egyptian Queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra as a beauty aid, as well as by Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus, who used it to treat soldiers wounds.
With such high-end celebrity endorsements, it’s no surprise that Aloe Vera has become a staple ingredient in many a skincare product across the realm, ours very much included.
Here’s why we love it so so much, particularly on those extra sunny days.

Aloe Vera is… a Sunburn Soother.
Got a lil’ too red for your own good? All is not lost. This healing plant is the nemesis of overexposure to UV radiation, accelerating healing, reducing wounds and the appearance of scars along the way. That’s why you’ll find it in after sun products.

Aloe Vera is… Antioxidant Rich.
You can’t move for anti-ageing properties with this youth restoring little number! They’ll effortlessly fight off free radicals and reduce cell breakdown, keeping your complexion plump and healthy, leaving you feeling as as radiant as a summer’s morn.

Aloe Vera is… Naturally Hydrating.
We lose a lot of water out there in the field, and it’s water that keeps us looking and feeling fresh. Aloe Vera works to replenish this loss, penetrating the skin with ease and bringing welcome relief to thirsty skin.
Many products in this range are also plastic free, which is great news for the various turtles and whatnot who live in the waters of the world.

Aloe Vera is… an Anti-inflammatory Angel.
Insect bites and heat rashes BE GONE! Or at least you’ll feel like they’re gone thanks to the super soothing properties of this magical plant. Antibacterial and antiseptic properties protect the affected area from infection, while accelerating the healing process.